The Importance Of Regular Email Verification Practice

Gathering email addresses is a common role of an email marketer, however, how can you determine if you are getting a high-quality lists? Even if you obtain a new subscriber, it does not indicate that the account is authentic, or that if an inaccuracy did not take place. That’s precisely where the significance of email verification services comes in.

Invalid and poor data is usually the common problem that most email marketers struggles from. By distinguishing and invalid or harmful emails; the best email validation service lets email marketers acquire qualified leads, increase inbox placement and boost deliverability.

Deliverability: Sender Score Aspects

Sender Score plays a huge impact on your email deliverability. It allows the ISPs to verify if your messages deserve to be in the recipient’s inbox or if you been directed to the spam folder. The greater your score, the better placement you can acquire and the lesser your score, then most likely you will get trapped in the spam folder.

Here is the way email verification can enhance your Sender Score.

1. Removes Hard Bounces

Hard bounced emails is among the main causes as to why your sender score decreases. Hard bounces mainly take place because the email address does not exist anymore. Maybe it never existed at all, and you obtained a delusive email address, or maybe the account once existed and was eventually closed down by the user.

Cleaning email every 3 months is an excellent practice that must be performed to find any outdated email addresses and eliminate them just before your upcoming campaign.

It is also suggested that you verify newly obtained email address to avoid inaccuracies and fake accounts from generating even more undesirable hard bounces.

2. Decreases Spam Complaints

Spam complaint rate should be lower than 0.1%, this means that for each every 5,000 email messages delivered you must have no more than five spam complaints.

In an attempt to reduce users; hitting spam on your email, the email verification tool Verify550 instantly flags any users who have a high rate of marking emails as spam.

3. Blacklists

If you end up being blacklisted, this is yet another reason as to why your Sender Score deteriorate. Getting placed on a blacklist will stop your message from being acknowledged by the server. Some blacklists are powerful than others and some of them will instantly de-list you right after a pre-determined time.

Performing good email hygiene and obtaining data from an appropriate source is essential to reduce the threat of being blacklisted. Remember, it is also advised that keep track of your mailing IPs every day to determine if you have become blacklisted; and try to have it solved just before you dispatch your upcoming campaign.

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