If there was any time to expand your email marketing – it’s now

I wrote an article in eHygienics’ blog about the second coming of email marketing. The importance of this article has been extremely overlooked. There is a huge blindspot right now as all of the legacy SEO data of the war between spammers and spam fighters has been deleted.

Recently, the archives have been put back on narkive.com, but the original search engine data from NANAE is gone and there is no telling when it will be put back. For those of you whom never have heard of NANAE, it stands for News Admin Net Abuse Email and has been in operation exposing spammers for more than two decades.

You really should read the article. The implications of this move by Google to completely turn off this highly informative forum could backfire immensely on ISP’s and Google themselves because:

1.) The ISP’s will have a harder time finding legacy data on past spammers

2.) Spam fighters whom DOX an email marketer on NANAE archive will not have the number one placement (be in the top ten when someone searches a name).

3.) This proves one person can hire a law firm that specializes in removing online content, which NANAE not only removed such offensive content, rather they removed the entire archive.

The irony of the situation is, the person whom shut down the infamous war on spam archive was a spam fighter themselves and by requesting to remove information about their name, they inadvertently removed the NANAE Google SEO placement.

How long will this last? Who knows, but it opens up an opportunity for the grey and black hats again and I am predicting a flood of spam in 2019/2020 until Google gets its act together.

James Carner
CEO | eHygienics | Verify550

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