6 Amazing Facts About Email List Validation Services

Bounced emails can be reduced or eliminated with the help of email list validation services, which are an excellent addition to your email marketing campaigns. However, there are actually several other advantages as well!

A highly successful and efficient marketing strategy is email marketing. Even today, a large percentage of the population uses email on a daily basis. Over 3.8 billion people now use email, and that number continues to rise; daily, 269 billion emails are sent. According to Statista, by the end of 2022, there will be more than 4.3 billion users.

Every effective marketing effort needs a reliable email validation tool.Still among the most popular methods of contact, email has a recent accuracy rate of only 10% (yikes!). Mistakes made by humans while inputting this data are the primary explanation for its accuracy issues. In conclusion, validating email addresses is an important part of any email marketing campaign.

Despite its widespread adoption and use, a growing number of potential pitfalls have arisen in email marketing. Your company’s hard work to expand its reach and user base could be for naught if you keep sending emails to addresses that bounce because of typos or improper syntax.


Fun facts about email marketing and validation

Customers who receive promotional emails are more inclined to buy than those who don’t. This effect is even larger when it comes to larger ticket items. This highlights the significance of your email marketing campaigns.

  • Mobile devices are used to open 41% of emails.
  • 23% of mobile email recipients open it again.
  • Email campaigns help businesses acquire new customers 40 times more often than Twitter and Facebook combined (McKinsey).
  • Marketing via email yields a 4,300% return on investment (Direct Marketing Association).
  • When asked for identification, 60% of customers knowingly provide false information.
  • About 10% of all submissions to online stores and registration forms have email addresses that are not valid.

In conclusion, there is no denying the importance of email marketing to the success of any advertising campaign. It works. If you do not have a clean mailing list, then what is the point of creating a stunning campaign that is backed by data and statistics that show it will be successful? The last thing you want is for those messages to fail to reach their intended recipients or to be mistaken for spam.


Why don’t your email campaigns work?

One of the main reasons your emails aren’t working is the quality of your contacts and subscribers. Your email deliverability and, by extension, your return on investment will suffer if your email list contains spam traps, role-based emails, or incorrect emails. Can something be done to fix this? Definitely!

If you use an email validation tool, you won’t have to worry about that anymore.


What is email validation?

When an email address is entered, it must first be validated to ensure that it is correct and of high quality. If you use an email validation tool, it will filter out any addresses that could be spam traps or cannot be safely delivered to. After that, the domain name will be checked by the validation tool to ensure its accuracy. After that is checked out and found to be satisfactory, the next step will be a more technical one. The email addresses will be checked to make sure they work.

After the verification procedure has been finished, the tool will present you with the results. The outcome of each e – mail address will be shown. A total of five outcomes are feasible:

The email can be sent because we have strong evidence that it belongs to a working account.

Not a valid email address — We are almost certain that this address does not belong to a functioning account.

Hazardous – Emails can be sent and received, but users should tread with caution because of concerns about the quality or reliability of the emails. Accept All, Disposable, and Role addresses may be present.

If the email domain is down, we have no way of knowing if the account is legitimate or not.

Repetition – more than one instance of the exact email address appears on the list.

The great thing about using an email validation services is that it does not need to send out test emails to the address in question. To relieve you of the stress of having to send out unsolicited emails, your lists will be cleansed before your very eyes.

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