Email Scrub Short Guide: All You Need To Know In 1 Minute

Email scrub is a method for maintaining a healthy mailing list by removing inactive subscribers. It allows advertisers to keep email deliverability rates high, boost participation in campaigns, and cut down on bounces.

This essay will teach you the basics of email cleaning, such as what it is and why it’s important.


Just what is “Email Scrubbing”?

If you have an email list that contains addresses you have never opened, read, or engaged with, you should “scrub” it.

Email distribution lists are said to decrease by 20–30% annually. Do you think it’s worthwhile to bother the one-third of your email list that never even opens your messages, much less responds to your calls to action? Absolutely not.

Intentally, why do we need to scrub our electronic mail?
Scrubbing your email list helps you avoid sending to people who haven’t opened your messages in a while.

Even though the number of people who receive your emails may decrease, you can rest assured that those who do are truly interested in doing so.

Instead of focusing on growing a massive email list of people who aren’t engaged, it’s more beneficial to focus on growing a small list of highly engaged people.

It’s far easier to get opens and clicks from an email list that’s been thoroughly scrubbed.

  • decreases the number of spam emails
  • more efficient budget allocations
  • more profits and more accurate statistics.
  • long-term benefits of increased quality leads and increased conversion rates.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Cleaning Your Email List

In order to get more reliable marketing data, follow this step-by-step guide to cleaning your email list.

Step 1: Divide Your Email List

The first stage in email list cleansing is to sort the subscribers into two groups: those who have opened recent emails and those who haven’t.

If your company maintains more than one email list, you should choose one in order to more easily manage your subscribers. Make your choice based on which one you think has the most room for improvement or is most likely to capture the attention of the audience.

Sorting your list by who has talked to you recently and who hasn’t saved you time and energy by making it clear who needs to talk to you again or be taken off the list.

If a subscriber hasn’t opened an email from you in 90 days, they’re unlikely to start doing so in the next 90 days. To begin, divide your list into subsets according to how recently their email addresses were added.

This will give you plenty of time to be sure that inactive subscribers really aren’t reading your emails.


Step 2: Remove All Inactive Subscribers

Once you’ve found your inactive subscribers, you can use scrubbing tools to go through the list and find the people you can reach out to again.

Email cleaning software can detect and remove not just typos and invalid addresses but also duplicates, inactive addresses, domains that no longer exist, and so on. The efficiency and thoroughness of this procedure far exceeded your wildest expectations.

You can run Verify550 on your inactive mailing list to remove them automatically. Verify550 checks each email address on your list against server databases with a system of “pings.”


Step 3: Reengage Your Inactive Subscribers

After removing inactive subscribers, give them customized offers or campaigns.

There are numerous approaches that can be taken to re-engage inactive email subscribers. One way to get their attention is to send “we miss you” emails with some sort of promotional offer or discount.

Alternatively, you may send the person a unique gift, a discount coupon, or limited-time access to your website.

Instead of just offering discount codes, you could use informative marketing to get your inactive customers interested again by giving them something useful.


Step 4: Reorganize Your To-Do List

Take a look at your re-engagement efforts and find the subscribers who haven’t engaged. Those who have shown interest in re-engaging with your emails and have done so positively can be added back to your primary mailing list.

After the re-engagement effort has had time to take effect, you can safely remove inactive users from your list.

Step 5: Take inactive subscribers off the list.

After the first four stages, remove inactive email subscribers.

Don’t waste time communicating with indifferent subscribers; your time is better spent focusing on those who actually care about what you have to say and will benefit from the emails you send them.

“Cold subscribers” are members who haven’t logged in for a long time. These leads can be deleted or transferred to a different email list created for the express purpose of re-engaging inactive contacts. You may also use this list to target advertising on other platforms, which is helpful if you’re trying to break into a new market or introduce a new product.


When Should Email Scrubbing Be Done?

Lists should be cleared out every six months. Many customers will be moving, and those who don’t find mailboxes deleted by their service providers after a period of inactivity.

Popular companies always double-check their marketing emails before sending them out to customers.

Ensure your email lists are clean every six months; an upsurge in spam complaints and unsubscribes or a decline in open and click rates can hurt deliverability and reputation.


In conclusion

Protect yourself from spam complaints by sending only to those on your opt-in email list. Increased interaction and click-through rates are additional benefits of a solid sending reputation. More sales and better brand recognition can be achieved with less money spent on advertising thanks to email lists that have been thoroughly cleaned.

Spam filtering in email can be a lengthy process. Using an email validation services like Verify550 to clean your email lists can free up your marketing team to focus on expanding your subscriber base rather than sifting through spam.

So if you want to do something, do it now. You may start cleaning your email list for free right now to improve high deliverability, lower cost, and your reputation, among other benefits.


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