4 Tell-tale Signs You Need To Email Scrub Your List

The effectiveness of your email marketing campaign depends on your ability to maintain proper email hygiene. But how can you tell if it’s time to clean out your email list? Here are three warnings that your contacts are out of date and are hindering your success.

In the first place, we’ll examine what “email scrub” is and how it impacts your email marketing.

Just what does “email cleanse” entail?

Scrubbing your email list means removing any addresses from it that no longer work or belong to people who have stopped responding to your messages.

Consistently doing this is important since it will boost the quality of your leads and, in turn, your conversion rate if you only communicate with people who have expressed an interest in receiving your messages.

One further major factor is that sending marketing emails to an excessive number of phony or closed accounts may result in the messages being returned to the sender as undeliverable, raising the probability that the sender will be marked as spam. This means that your messages might end up in the trash folder and never reach the people you want to reach.

Signs that your email list requires cleaning

There is a lot of logic in only contacting people who have specifically asked to be contacted. But how can you tell if it’s time to clean out your email list?

Observe for these telltale signs.

Both your open and click-through rates have decreased recently.

In marketing analytics, you may observe how many people opened your emails and how many clicked on the links within them. Reduce the size of your email list by removing those from whom you see participation is dropping.

Don’t waste your time and resources trying to reach those who have no interest in what you have to say. Aim for an open rate of roughly 20%; specifics may change depending on your field.

Your unsubscriber list is growing.

Too many emails, unrelated material, or the promise of a one-time discount for a single transaction are all potential reasons for this. For whatever reason, you shouldn’t take it to heart.

However, view this as a chance to reflect on how to better engage future viewers. Put in some time investigating; check in on online communities and forums, or just ask people what they think.

Too Many Subscriber Complaints.

You can see how many people have marked your emails as spam thanks to the data you collect. There could be a number of reasons for this, including the recipient’s forgetfulness or dissatisfaction with the frequency of your email communications.

In any case, this is an issue since the email provider will start sending your correspondence to other contacts straight to their spam folders if too many users of the same server (such as Hotmail, Gmail, Outlook, etc.) report you.

Emails bounce frequently.

What is meant by the term “email bounce rate” is the percentage of messages sent that are never opened by the recipient. This may occur if the recipient’s email address was entered incorrectly, the message was too large, the mailbox was full, the account had been deleted, or the sender was blocked.

If your message bounces more than a certain number of times, it will be sent to the spam folders of the recipients.

How Frequently Should You Clean Your Email List?

If a subscriber hasn’t interacted with your emails in six months, it’s probably time to remove them. Thus, twice a year is a decent interval to plan the process of cleaning up your emails.

Any of the above signs, on the other hand, should at least prompt a checkup every six months.


Do you want to make sure that your emails get delivered? Are you looking for a way to prevent spam filters from blocking your messages?

Here is the good news. Verify550.com provides email scrubbing service that will help make sure your emails are delivered and not blocked by spam filters.

This means that you can have confidence that all of your emails will reach their recipients’ inboxes without any issues.

Contact now for more info.