Email List Scrubbing: How to Keep Your Database Clean and Effective

To improve campaign results and your sender reputation with ISPs, you can use a procedure called “email list scrubbing,” in which inactive or spammy subscribers are removed.

When cleaning your inbox, you may want to delete the following types of contacts:

  • Squandered email addresses
  • Passive participants (with low open and click-through rates)
  • Duplicate electronic messages
  • People who consider your emails spam
  • Bad email addresses that result in bounced messages
  • The value of email cleaning

ISPs track metrics such as bounces, blockages, and spam reports in order to assign you a “sender score.” A low sender score is likely if your email opens and clicks are extremely low and your bounce rates are high.

Your email domain being blacklisted is the worst possible outcome. Scrubbing your mailing list allows you to do the following:

  • Boost your emails’ open and click rates while decreasing the number of spam complaints you receive.
  • Fix the problem of emails not being delivered.
  • Improve the sender’s standing (score).
  • Spend less on each advertisement and see a greater return on your investment.
  • You can keep creating successful email marketing campaigns for your audience if you keep your email list clean.

When should email lists be cleaned?

How often you send out emails and what industry you’re in will determine this. It’s simply not feasible to clear your lists more frequently than once a year if you run a seasonal business. Find out how active your audience is during peak hours to learn if you need to clean up their email addresses.

But if you run your advertisements more regularly, say twice or three times a week, you’ll have a huge volume of data to compare against. A list cleaning is a good idea at least once a year, but the more emails you send, the more data you’ll have to work with.

Issues to think about before deleting emails

Before you start cleaning your list, you should look into other possible reasons why your emails aren’t doing well.


Before you start clearing your list, you should look into other possible reasons why your emails aren’t doing well.

Does your inbox keep becoming full because of some technological issue? Can that be fixed without causing you to lose any useful connections?

Email clients

This could indicate that the client in question is deliberately ignoring your messages or is moving them to the spam or trash folders. In order to troubleshoot this, you may need to contact the email client’s support staff.

Creating Lists and Getting Permission

This could be an indication that the client is intentionally ignoring your messages or moving them to their spam or trash bins.

How the email addresses were obtained and sorted into lists or categories is another thing to think about. Have you made it possible for your contacts to manage their subscriptions to various email lists? Perhaps they are only interested in receiving emails about products and services and not general marketing material.

And most crucially, did you get double opt-in permission to send emails? There is a greater possibility that your email may be caught as spam if you haven’t obtained permission from your contacts to send them emails. ISPs use these addresses to track down senders who aren’t keeping up with list hygiene, despite the fact that they look identical to everyone else’s.

Those who have been inactive as clients

When unsubscribing paying clients from your email list, proceed with caution. The recommended step here is to categorize consumers according to the stages of the product life cycle and then create a list of “inactive customers.” Your yearly plan consumers may not see the value in seeing your emails if they aren’t receiving frequent updates about their account.

You can choose to stop sending emails to these clients at any time, but if you want to take a more tailored approach, you might set up an automated email to be sent to them right before the end of their active subscription period outlining any major updates or plans they may be interested in.


If you are looking for a free email list hygiene services, you have found it! offers the most comprehensive free email list hygiene service available online. We help companies keep their email lists clean and up-to-date. We also provide a great customer experience by giving users the ability to edit their own data, add new contacts, and delete contacts from their database.

If you are looking for a way to improve your company’s email marketing strategy and make sure that your campaigns reach only the people who want to receive them, then this is the right place for you.

Contact now for more info.