Maintain a Healthy And Deliverable List Using Email List Cleaner

In order to have a deliverable and healthy mailing list, it is important that you use a email list cleaner.

How often you use email list cleaner depends on your strategy. If you are a B2B company, for example, it may be more important to scrub the list monthly or quarterly than if you’re a B2C company. If you’re an e-commerce site that has an email sign-up page on its website, you might want to scrub your list every six months to ensure that people who signed up years ago are still interested in receiving emails from your company (or at least not actively opting out).

Scrubbing also depends on how many new subscribers join each month. If you have a lot of new subscribers joining each month, then a quarterly scrub might make sense—but if they’re coming in at a slower rate, then maybe monthly or even less frequently will work just fine.

If you have time and resources available, we recommend doing weekly scrubs because they help keep your list clean and help prevent subscriber fatigue (when people stop opening emails because there are so many coming their way).


5 Ways In Cleaning Up Your Email List

It takes a few actions to clean up your email list.

1. Sort your contacts according to their status.
Your marketing efforts are wasted on everyone who hasn’t opened one of your emails in the prior few months. Contacts can be sorted into groups according to several criteria in most software and CRM systems.

2. Make sure you’re looking for both hard and soft bounces.
Undeliverable emails are known as “soft bounces” when the cause is something short-term, like a full inbox, an excessively large message, or a downed server.

In contrast, emails that were unable to be delivered because the sender was blacklisted or the recipient’s email address was no longer valid are known as “hard bounces.” Only the latter should be removed from your mailing list.

3. Remove Opt-Out Contacts from your list.
Facilitate the process for people to leave your email list. There are no registration or verification steps required.

Add a short, multiple-choice survey or a comment section for them to explain their decision. This data can be used for future contact preservation.

4. Use software to scrub inactive emails.
There are a number of email list cleansing programs available (some of which I’ve included in the resources section below) that can remove invalid or incorrect email addresses. You can then use the remaining email addresses to launch a re-engagement campaign.

5. Reconnect with Dormant Contacts
Market research can help you come up with creative ways to get in touch with your inactive consumers again, such as providing them with a discount code, a one-time offer, or a list of products tailored to their needs.

Do you want to have a clean mailing list? Are you looking for a way to prevent spam filters from blocking your messages?

Here is the good news. provides email hygiene services that will help make sure your emails are delivered and not blocked by spam filters.

This means that you can have confidence that all of your emails will reach their recipients’ inboxes without any issues.

Contact now for more info.