Email scrubbing is a crucial part of any business. It’s essential to ensure that you’re only sending out emails to people who want to receive them and that you’re not accidentally sharing information with someone who should not be receiving it. Email scrubbing services ensure that you’re scrubbing your email list correctly so you don’t accidentally share confidential information with the wrong person.

When using an email scrubbing service, it’s important to remember that you can’t just choose one option and be done with it—the best way to ensure that your email list is well-scrubbed is by using multiple tools in tandem with each other. This will help avoid any data errors while ensuring that everything has been thoroughly cleaned up.

If I want to clean up an email list, which one should I focus on?

Put everyone in the car and head to the car wash. But if you must choose, go with the most active and successful email list. This group of readers is the engine that propels your email marketing, so it makes sense to prioritize keeping this list healthy.

It’s useful to check out archived lists, too, in case they still add to the overall tally of subscribers (and your email service calculates pricing based on this number). Invalid emails frequently populate old lists.


What mailing list should I clean?

Put everyone in the car and head to the car wash. But if you must choose, go with the most active and successful email list. This group of readers is the engine that propels your email marketing, therefore it makes sense to prioritize keeping this list healthy.

It’s useful to check out archived lists, too, in case they still add to the overall tally of subscribers (and your email service calculates pricing based on this number). Invalid emails frequently populate old lists.


Automatic or Manual Email Scrubbing

If you want to keep your email list in good shape, it’s not enough to just utilize an email list cleaning service once. After all, you can’t tell if the emails you’re collecting from new subscribers are real until after you launch your next campaign.

The cleanliness of your email list can be maintained in two ways: automatically or manually. Okay, then, let’s compare and contrast the two.


Manual email list cleaning

Please don’t fret! In practice, this doesn’t imply checking every single email address by hand. This is easily accomplished by using an email verification service (like Verify550).

Other telltale signs that a thorough cleaning is in order include:

  • Lessening in the percentage of open
  • decreased interest in clicking.
  • a higher rate of re-bouncing.
  • Unsubscribes increase.
  • More spam reports


You should also monitor the percentage of subscribers who aren’t opening your emails. Each month, sort them into active and inactive lists so you know who to omit from future mailings. You have the option of deleting these users from your list or sending them a re-engagement email to see if you can pique their interest again.

Automatic email list cleaning

Through the Verify550 API, you can instantly check the validity of each email address entered by a user on your signup form. By checking for them, you can stop invalid email addresses from ever making it to your mailing list, and you can tell subscribers who just made a mistake when entering their email address to try again.

If you are looking for a reliable email hygiene services, then visit

We, provide the best email hygiene service that helps you to stay away from spam and virus in your inbox. We provide the genuine and safe email address to our customers so they can communicate with their clients or customers without any trouble.

Contact now for more info.