What Types of Errors Can an Email List Scrubber Detect

An email list scrubber can help you maintain an effective mailing list. Imagine that all the addresses are for people who have moved or who are no longer interested in receiving your emails. If that’s the case, they’re just one symptom of a larger issue: the inability to send emails.

When Should You Scrub Email?

Check to see if your email list is ready to be scrubbed before you start removing subscribers at random.

And keep an eye out for these three reliable indicators:

  • Your email’s open and click-through rates have dropped significantly.
  • Recent spam reports have been unusually high.
  • Recently, a sizable portion of the audience abandoned their subscription.

Email scrubbing is necessary if any of the above situations arise.


How Frequently Should It Be Done?

The ideal email sending frequency can change from one brand to the next because every email campaign is unique.

Emails should be purged at least once every six months, according to industry experts. On the other hand, some people prefer a more frequent schedule, perhaps once every three or four months.

As a general rule, the faster your email list grows, the more regularly you should clean it. You can only answer that question after thinking about where your campaign is right now and what your own preferences are.

It’s recommended that you do this at least once a year, but not less frequently than that.


Errors that Email Scrubber Detects


Typos are mistakes that are commonly made when typing in an email address, such as transposing letters or accidentally leaving out a character. An email list scrubber can detect these typos and correct them so that the email address is valid.

Invalid domains.

This is when an email address has been entered incorrectly, such as entering a domain name that does not exist or entering a domain name that is not associated with a particular email address. An email list scrubber can detect these errors and correct them so that the email address is valid.

Invalid syntax.

This is when an email address is entered incorrectly, such as entering an incorrect character or adding extra characters. An email list scrubber can detect these errors and correct them so that the email address is valid.

Outdated contact information.

This is when an email address has been entered incorrectly, such as entering a new address when an old address is still in use. An email list scrubber can detect these errors and correct them so that the email address is up-to-date.

Overall, an email scrubbing service is a powerful tool that can help to ensure accuracy and legitimacy in an email list. By using an email list scrubber, you can detect and correct any errors that may exist in the list, such as typos, invalid domains, invalid syntax, and outdated contact information. This can help to improve the accuracy of your list and ensure that your contacts are up-to-date and valid.

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